In two days I will accompany a group of our ninth graders on
an Outward Bound experience for five days on the Appalachian Trail. I almost
typed that as “a backpacking experience,” but instantly realized that it is far
more than that. The Outward Bound experience involves challenges (and support)
well beyond a basic backpacking trip. My school takes this trip with the ninth
graders every year and I love to go with them, so naturally, people often ask
me how many times I’ve been on the trip. I actually had no idea, so tonight I
sat down with some yearbooks and figured it out. I have gone on the trip six
times; this year will be my seventh. I am torn when I think about how I feel
about that number.
My overarching thought is that I waited a number of years to
go on this trip (“Burch,” in case I call it that later in this missive) and I
am very happy about that. My children were young and after a few years my wife
was re-starting her career, which has totally outshown mine – yep, she rocks!
Once I started going on this backpacking trip with kids, I got hooked. I teach
at a school where the kids are good at school. We often overlook the importance
of kids’ developing good “school skills,” but it makes a huge difference. Our
kids have school skills in spades. Many of them, however, break down when they
find themselves in an uncomfortable situation in the middle of the woods. They
are never in any danger, and I don’t believe they ever really feel that they
are in danger, but they are uncomfortable and have to figure out how to
navigate that feeling and accomplish physical goals. The Outward Bound
instructors challenge the kids in amazing ways that I could never achieve in
the classroom, and I learn something from them every year that makes me a
better teacher when we get back to campus. I truly believe that there is
nothing I do that both makes me a better teacher and helps my students become
better people more effectively than this Burch trip. So what is my struggle?
Why am I torn?
I have gone on the Burch trip six times. Each trip has lasted
five days. That means that, in my 44 years of life, I have spent a grand total
of one month doing the thing that I believe I am best at. That seems like a
pretty small amount of time to spend excelling. That leads to the bigger
questions about priorities and reaching more important goals. I have spent a
month doing the thing I am best at, but what have I been doing in the meantime?
Hasn’t that been worthwhile? I have worked with hundreds of students (I should
do the math and see if it is thousands at this point) and have made real
connections with many of them. I have helped raise two absolutely incredible,
yet very different children and glory in their different strengths. I have
helped support my wife in her career and drive to end cancer, although I
definitely could do a lot more to be a good father and husband.
Then I go back to the thought that, in 44 years, I have
spent only a month doing the thing that I believe I am best at. Was that the
right call? 100% YES! Many of us have something we are best at, but if we limit
ourselves to that one thing, we forfeit the richness that life has to offer. If
I dropped everything and became an outdoor educator, I would have missed so
many moments with my family and so many opportunities to support them. I also
would have missed the challenge of improving at the parts of my life that do
not come as naturally to me, which is a major part of Outward Bound and outdoor
education. Every year on the Burch trip we talk about the three zones – the comfort
zone, the challenge zone, and the panic zone. (I think they have new names for
them now, but I like the old OB terminology.) Maybe strangely, the Burch trip
and outdoor education are my comfort zone. That is where I feel most confident
and feel like I can be most effective. (Even though it has taken me a few years
to get to that point and I have definitely made some mistakes along the way.)
My math classroom is my challenge zone. I enter that room every day a little
bit apprehensive, but with the confidence that I can succeed if I give it my
all. (Wow! That sounded really cheezy!) I am totally confident in my knowledge of
the subject, but the challenge is being able to transfer that knowledge and
problem-solving ability to each unique student. Succeeding in the Comfort Zone is exactly that - comfortable, but succeeding in the Challenge Zone is truly satisfying! What is my panic zone? It
wouldn’t be my panic zone if I were willing to answer that question in a public
So, my first thought upon starting to write down these musings
was that I might be wasting my life having spent only one month doing the thing I am
best at. Instead, at the end, I recognize the gift I have been given to live my
life in the challenge zone. Succeeding in that challenge zone is impossible
without a support structure in which I feel confident. On the Burch trip, when
the students are challenged, that support structure is their peers. In my life,
that support structure is my family, which is always there to support my dreams
and whims, and to let me know that, even when I am not changing kids’ lives on
the Appalachian Trail, I am changing their lives for the better here at home. Life
is awesome!
As they say at OB – “A fair wind, and just enough of it…”