Sunday, November 9, 2014

Inadvertent Role Models

This is going to be a short one, I just have a random thought rolling around in my head and wanted to get it out on paper. My question is - how much responsibility do the inadvertent role models in life bear? The vast majority of inadvertent role models are celebrities. They may not want to be role models, but due to their celebrity status, kids emulate them whether they like it or not. Do they have a responsibility to alter their behavior because of that? Is that part of the responsibility of celebrity? Do they deserve the same anonymity and privacy as the rest of us in order to make normal human mistakes without harsh judgement? I am not sure where I fall on this issue and would love to hear others' thoughts. This topic is on my mind because of a soccer game I helped coach yesterday. My son plays in a rec league, and I help coach the team. In yesterday's game, one of our players was shown a yellow card because, after a whistle was blow, he picked up the ball and nonchalantly tossed it out of play to delay the game. We pulled him from the game and talked to him about sportsmanship (we had a big lead at the time). He seemed legitimately upset about the situation, and his argument was that, when he watches soccer on TV, he always sees players do that, so he thought it was the right thing to do. This 12-year-old boy has a legitimate misunderstanding of sportsmanship because of the poor examples he sees on TV. Do the high-paid professionals have a responsibility to model sportsmanship because of their celebrity status, or are they paid only to play a sport? It is an interesting question, and I am not completely sure how I feel about it. What are your thoughts?