Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Favorite T-Shirt

I have a t-shirt that I bought in Gatlinburg, TN when I was there for a family reunion honoring my Grandmother's 90th birthday. On the back, the shirt says, "You don't stop exploring when you get old. You get old when you stop exploring." That has become my favorite cheezy saying.

I was thinking about that shirt while I was out for a run today, and it got me thinking about the year I have ahead of me. I turn 40 next week, and my kids love to remind me that I will officially be over the hill and old. Then I think about what's coming up. In March I will become a certified SCUBA diver. A week later, I will run my 4th half marathon. In June, I will compete in my first ever triathlon, then a week later, I'll be in Hawaii using that SCUBA certification for the first time. In the Fall, my daughter will start high school at the school where I teach, and my son will start middle school - big adventures for all of us. I'd be willing to bet money that my wife and I will finish our first Century ride together this fall as well. 40 sounds pretty awesome to me! If this is what it means to get old, then bring it on!

There is always something new out there to try - it doesn't have to be physical or athletic. Maybe the next year I'll start learning to speak Korean to better communicate with some of my students' families or take a class in a new area of math. I definitely plan on running the Spartan Race some day. Seemingly surrounded by writers these days, maybe I'll focus on writing that book I've always wanted to write. (No, I have no idea what it would be about.) I'm embarrassed by how many museums there are in this city which I've never visited. Maybe I'll finally learn to sail like I've always wanted - the classes are pretty cheap. I have a pretty thorough knowledge of the Southern Pennsylvania and Central Virginia sections of the Appalchian Trail; that only leaves about 2100 more miles to check out.

You don't stop exploring when you get old. You get old when you stop exploring. I resolve to NEVER get old!


  1. Ah, I got to go SCUBA diving once in Mexico, more years ago than I'd like to admit. (They weren't so picky on training. A couple of hours with tanks in a swimming pool first, and they called it good.)
    That certainly was an adventure for me.
    Here's wishing you plenty more adventures in your life.

  2. Thanks for reading and for the wishes! Always nice to see new faces here. I just bought Confessions for my Kindle (seriously, only 99 cents?!) - see, it pays to comment on stranger's blogs!
